What's the latest?

We're hard at work building the greatest payments infrastructure in the world.
Here's what we've been up to lately.

Welcome to Spends!

Platform risk is a killer, and most SaaS companies trust a single payment service provider for all of their revenue. This is dangerous; you're one bad decision from losing all of your revenue, effectively grinding your sales to a halt and putting you out of business. No single company should wield that much power.

Spends is fixing this. Through one single integration, we intelligently route your transactions through to 15+ payment gateways of your choosing, combine all of your metrics into one dashboard, and perform real-time fraud checks, tax calculations, and more. We supercharge your payments stack without taking a slice of the pie – just a fixed monthly price.

If you're interested in learning more about what Spends has to offer, get in touch at hello@spends.dev!

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