Frequently Asked

Spends is payments infrastructure for Modern SaaS companies. Here's some frequently asked questions about our platform.

Platform risk is a killer, and most SaaS companies trust a single payment service provider for all of their revenue. This is dangerous; you're one bad decision from losing all of your revenue, effectively grinding your sales to a halt and putting you out of business. No single company should wield that much power. Spends is fixing this. Through one single integration, we intelligently route your transactions through to 15+ payment gateways of your choosing, combine all of your metrics into one dashboard, and perform real-time fraud checks, tax calculations, and more. We supercharge your payments stack without taking a slice of the pie – just a fixed monthly price.

Spends mitigates platform risk by connecting your business to multiple payment gateways instead of relying on just one. This means that if one gateway experiences issues or makes a detrimental decision, your transactions can be seamlessly rerouted through other gateways. Our system ensures uninterrupted revenue flow and reduces the risk of being entirely dependent on a single provider.

Relying on a single payment gateway exposes your business to significant risks. If that provider faces technical issues, policy changes, or decides to terminate your account, your revenue stream could come to a halt. This dependency can disrupt your operations and potentially lead to business failure. 

Spends alleviates this risk by offering a multi-gateway solution, ensuring your transactions are always processed smoothly.

Integrating multiple payment gateways usually requires extensive engineering effort and maintenance. Spends simplifies this process by providing a single integration point that connects to multiple gateways. This not only saves you time and resources but also streamlines your payment operations. Our intuitive API and detailed documentation make it easy for your developers to implement and manage.

Spends employs advanced AI-driven fraud detection algorithms to monitor transactions in real-time. These algorithms analyze transaction patterns and identify suspicious activities, helping to prevent fraudulent transactions before they affect your business. This proactive approach enhances the security of your payment processes and protects your revenue.

Yes, Spends can automatically handle tax calculations for your transactions. Our platform is designed to manage tax compliance effortlessly, ensuring that you meet local and international tax requirements. This feature simplifies your financial processes and helps you avoid potential compliance issues.

Spends consolidates all your transaction metrics into a single, user-friendly dashboard. This unified view allows you to monitor and analyze your payment data across multiple gateways in real-time. You can track key performance indicators, identify trends, and make informed decisions to optimize your payment strategy.

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